Electronics Engineer


Assembly line Balancing

Thursday 6 February 2020



 Assembly line balancing is important  things of manufacturing system . its ultimate aim of the equal sharing of process in all work stations.We have use various calculus.

various steps involved in the assembly line balancing :

  1. Sequential Diagram   
  2. Cycle time for each work station.
  3. Calculate the number of work stations needed
  4. Assigning task of all work stations with equal cycle time
  5. Find idle time
  6. calculate the Balance delay
  7. Line efficiency   

Above steps very important to make assembly line balancing in processes Engineering.

 process       time      precedence

  A =            20                

  B =            10             

  C =            40             AB

  D =            30              A

  E =            80               D

  F =            50               C

 G =             70               C

 H =             60               F


Production time per day

8hrs X 60min X 60sec = 28,800 sec

Target per day = 200 unit required

Cycle time =production time per day / target per day  =28800 / 200  = 144 sec.

No of station required = 360/144 =2.5(round) = 3 stations.

Work Stations              Process                Task time             Station time                 Idle time

                              A+B+C+D          20+10+40+30            100                      144 - 100 = 44 sec            


     II                             E+F                     80+50                      130                     144 - 130 =14sec


    III                            G+H                    70+60                       130                      144 - 130 =14sec    
Balance delay time :
                              No.of Stations (cycle time) -- Total task time
Balance delay = ------------------------------------------------------------
                                             No of station (Cycle time)
                                                   3(144) -- 360 
                                    =    --------------------------------                                         
                                      =    ----------------  =  72/432 = 0.167 X 100
           Line efficiency =   (1-Balance Delay) = 1-0.167
                                      0.833 X 100 =83.33

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