Electronics Engineer


Rs485 Serial communication protocol

Thursday 3 March 2022


Serial communication protocol is capable of transmitting digital serial data up to maximum distance of 4000 m or 4 km. But normally after 1200 m the signal starts drooping off and transmitted signal starts losing its strength due to which their is slight chance of data loss. To achieve 4 km successful data transmission the carrying medium should be smooth and the length of A and B lines should be equal-distance in length. External EMF(Electro Motive Force) also effects the lines carrying the data.

  • DI (Data In) Data on DI pin is transmitted on A & B lines when the module is in transmit mode. To set module in transmit mode make DE=1 and RE=1. DI pin is connected to Tx pin of Host Microcontroller UART.
  • RE (Receive Enable) RE pin is Used to configure the module in Receive Mode.
  • DE (Data Enable)    DE pin is Used to Configure the module in Transmit Mode
  • RO (Receive Out)  Data Received on A & B pin is given to RO pin. RO pin is connected to Rx pin of microcontroller. 
  • A & B (Differential Input and Output Pins) Data is transmitted and received on A & B lines.

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